What We Do


Exela converts analytics into results with customised outreach programmes. Our platform can escalate internal alerts, send targeted messages to customers, or deploy seamless two-way communication to resolve issues and gather new data. By identifying the recipient's preferred method and time of delivery, Exela can reach a target with a custom message when they are most receptive.

Key Features


Customised Outreach

  • Develop intelligent customer profiles to target recipients with a custom message when and where they are most receptive
  • Escalate internal alerts, deliver targeted messages to customers, or deploy two-way communication

Customer Profile Enrichment

  • Enhance customer profiles with external demographics and social media data
  • Automatically segment customers into groups to better manage engagements according to key attributes

Email Marketing

  • Predefined out-of-the box templates or customised messages enable easy and flexible email communications
  • Refine marketing effectiveness with individual or batch message testing and iterative response management


  • Automated chat engagements through email, SMS, or live/virtual avatar agent
  • Ensure relevant responses are delivered to customer in real-time


  • Utilise predictive modeling to gauge opportunities and prioritise intel
  • Real-time monitoring through configurable dashboards and reports with dynamic drill down capabilities

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