What We Do


Exela offers several ways for you to digitise and store catalogues of documents that would otherwise be decaying, collecting dust, and taking up unnecessary space. We offer high-volume scanning and digital conversion to meet strict regulatory and quality requirements.

We scan and convert:

-Black and white, grayscale, and color paper-based documents, including facsimiles, multi-page documents, large format drawings, maps, and pictures

-Microfilm and microfiche, including 16 mm / 35 mm microfilm, 100’/215’/1,000’ reels, 16 mm microfilm strips, all usual row/column microfiche formats, including mixed formats and aperture cards

-Radiology and mammography, including non-destructive testing films and radiographs, and medical x-rays with specific skills mitigating vinegar syndrome

-Historic documents and records

-Digital formats that need to be merged with physical documents, including TIFF, JPEG, DICOM, and PDF with web-services and EDI connections

Key Features


Physical Media Digitization

  • Digitise paper for seamless integration with electronic systems
  • Transform a variety of paper documents from business card to large format sizes
  • Support for multiple mediums including microfilm and microfiche

Image Enhancement

  • Clean up images with Border cropping, annotation, and blank page deletion
  • Remove rotation, skew and hole punch marks

Output Formatting

  • Multiple output options with compressed or uncompressed images
  • Format based on industry standards as well as configure output based on custom requirements or application-specific needs

Digital Intake

  • Multi-channel ingestion platform enables submission via mobile phone SMS, fax, email, and electronic files

Image Conversion

  • Flexible conversion options enable resolution changes and selection from many formats
  • Remove or adjust colors and convert color/grayscale images to bitonal


  • Secure transmissions with digital signing, encryption, and redaction

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