Exela’s Digital Mailroom

Transform Your Mail into Actionable Insights.

Digital Mailroom
Digital Mailroom

Onsite or offsite mail and document processing, scanning, and routing streamlines mail delivery and consolidates communication channels. Exela’s Digital Mailroom makes your mail searchable, shareable, and trackable, and helps improve information management while reducing waste.

Digital Mailroom is a web-basedend-to-end workflow solution that enables organizations to streamline the intake and distribution of inbound mail. State-of-the art technology provides intelligent data extraction and indexing, automates formerly manual processes, and utilizes electronic delivery methods to route mail to the correct recipients.

Streamline your mail delivery process.

Create an easily searchable and shareable mail system.

Unify information management systems.

Adopt a sustainable process that reduces waste.

Configurable Workflows

Pre-established business rules designate proper delivery routes, user and group-specific delivery methods, and physical mail handling procedures.

Automated Information Management

Automation technology enables rapid scanning, data extraction, and routing. Faster information processing and simplified information sharing improves decision making.

Enhanced Security

Physical mail is difficult to keep secure. Digital mail is routed and archived using 256-bit encryption and access is restricted according to defined roles and permissions.

Full Visibility

Digitizing traditional mail processes enables authorized users to gain visibility over what has been received, where it was routed, and with whom it was shared.

Physical Mail Services

Exela’s Digital Mailroom works alone or in parallel with our mailroom management services. Benefit from a more optimized mailroom process, including return mail services, address cleaning, and mailpiece optimization.

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Don’t Let COVID-19 Stop You From Getting Critical Mail

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As of March 12, 2020, a novel form of coronavirus known as COVID-19 has infected at least 118,000 people and killed more than 4,000 worldwide. Yet up until that date, many businesses the world over had not yet put business continuity plans into place. Concerned this stemmed from an “infodemic” of not-quite-accurate information, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stepped in to clarify that COVID-19 is, in fact, contagious but also capable of containment if the right measures are taken. Therefore, in an effort to galvanize action to fight the further spread of illness, the WHO has declared the outbreak a “pandemic.” And with that, businesses the world over found themselves doing the thing many had fervently hoped to avoid: sending their employees home with instructions to work remotely.

Why so much resistance to remote work?

With more and more companies deploying digital transformation initiatives, remote work has increasingly become a topic of interest, both to businesses and to their employees. Nevertheless, a surprising number of businesses do not yet have in place the infrastructure necessary to offer remote work as an option--even under the best of circumstances, let alone in times like these, where an unexpected turn of events has mandated remote work for the sake of public health. Of the businesses already up-and-running with remote employees, many presumed that even with some employees working remotely, others would be in the office holding down the fort--answering phones, making copies, opening mail, etc. What no one could have fathomed (outside of a dystopian novel) was a situation like the one at hand--one which transformed offices into veritable ghost-towns, even as business was meant to continue as usual.

But, hey, you’ve got this

That being said, once you realize “this is actually happening,” certain things will just naturally fall into place. For example, it’s easy enough to equip employees with laptops. It’s probably even comforting to schedule daily check-ins with your working group, whether via phone, text, or one of the more modern communication tools you’ve already been using. And email, well, thank goodness for email--because everyone uses email. Right? And nothing can fall through the cracks when you’re conducting business on email. Right?

Except...what about mail?

Not e-mail. Real mail. Mail-mail. Snail mail. Post office mail - not to mention FedEx, UPS, and the like. What we’re talking about here is all the mail that is not electronically delivered, and, now that we’re thinking about it, there is quite a lot of it. And we’re not talking about junk mail here. We’re talking important mail. Mail that’s critical to your core business. Tax bills. Tax refunds. Certified mail. Notarized documents. A notice your property is subject to a zoning dispute. A request to appear at an administrative proceeding. Subpoenas and other time-sensitive legal requests and correspondence. For that matter, any time-sensitive correspondence that the sender chose to send the old-fashioned way. Because it happens, and it happens a lot.

But there’s a solution. A simple and rapidly deployable solution, in fact.

Digital Mailroom keeps you in business even with no one in the office

Simply put, Exela’s Digital Mailroom seamlessly automates the full range of processes otherwise performed by your mailroom staff. When you sign up for Digital Mailroom, your incoming paper documentation is automatically re-routed1 to a designated Exela processing center, where our highly trained professionals scan and transform it into a digital format. Using state-of-the-art technology, including OCR-powered data extraction and our proprietary AI-powered scanning solutions, Digital Mailroom then goes to work, intelligently extracting, indexing, and sorting the digitized contents of your incoming mail, and routing it securely to the intended recipients.

Digital Mailroom isn’t new here at Exela. Businesses of all sizes around the world are already successfully using Digital Mailroom to transform incoming paper into secure, searchable, workflow-ready, actionable digital assets. A crown jewel in the Exela Smart Office suite of solutions, Exela’s Digital Mailroom makes remote work both possible and profitable--not only in extreme circumstances such as these, but in all circumstances.

[1] Re-routing is accomplished via the USPS within 7-10 days and is terminable upon request to the USPS

Author Name
Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

Banking Giant Saves Millions by Outsourcing LockBox Operations to Exela

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Finance & Accounting
Features & Benefits

Faced with increasing economic pressures, an expanding geographic footprint and more demanding customers, financial institutions are choosing to outsource peripheral lockbox processing functions and re-focus efforts on upgrading and expanding core offerings. Aside from the obvious cost-savings implications, relying on the expertise of a dedicated LockBox provider can offer businesses several strategic advantages. Amid a rigid regulatory landscape and growing privacy concerns, the need for effective security controls and enhanced compliance measures is more important than ever. And, many organizations don’t want to be burdened with added investments in state-of-the art equipment and emerging technologies. By outsourcing their LockBox operations, financial institutions are finding new ways of diverting and re-allocating resources and expenditures for improved productivity and competitive gain.


As one of the top 8 financial institutions in the U.S., this firm was searching for opportunities to maintain its competitive edge in a continuously evolving and demanding marketplace. Delivering superior products and customer experiences was at the forefront of its priorities. But, extensive resources were being pulled away from its core banking operations to manage its LockBox processing activities, spread across six different cities. The bank was also struggling to keep on top of emerging technologies and the latest industry best practices, while, at the same time, trying to improve customer retention and acquisition rates through exceptional customer service. Although the bank has been outsourcing other onsite operations to Exela for the past 30 years, it wanted to take the next step towards total re-allocation of resources. Customer data security and privacy were additional considerations for the bank.


To advance its strategic agenda, and leverage the expertise and technology of others in this space, the bank made the decision to outsource its LockBox operations. It sought the assistance of a specialized technology provider that was well-versed in executing large, onsite remittance implementations. It selected Exela because of its vast network of talent; versatile service-delivery model; technologically-advanced applications; and experience managing operations across multiple sites. The solution, valued at 100 million dollars, has expanded in scope to include the following:

  • LockBox Processing: Exela is charged with overseeing and executing all aspects of the firm’s LockBox operations across six locations; utilizing existing facilities and equipment. As part of the end-to-end solution, Exela manages mail retrieval; image and data capture; archival; delivery; remittance; and the secure transfer of customers’ information.

  • Worked with HR to establish a transition team

  • Employee Conversion: To complete the total transfer of LockBox operations, Exela added over 600 on-site bank employees to its workforce. This is in addition to the more than 1,500 employees that have been re-badged during this partnership. To ensure a successful conversion, the following procedures were completed prior to implementation:

    • Collaborated with bank staff to determine important goals for the transition process

    • Established a transition team by working with Exela’s Human Resources and Recruiting departments

    • Implemented peer to peer support and knowledge transfer programs for transitioned employees

    • Scheduled regular cadence and toll-gate employee reviews

  • Robust Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan

    • Recovery procedures and recovery time objectives for each application or critical infrastructure

    • Roles and responsibilities of technology recovery teams

    • Communication plan

    • Procedures on how to invoke the technology recovery plan(s)

    • Dependencies on other plans (including technology)

    • Prioritization strategy

    • Back-up procedures including frequency and retention

  • Enhanced Governance Model

    • Weekly meetings, status calls, gate reviews

    • Dedicated project manager

    • Constant communication among key client and Exela stakeholders

    • SharePoint team site

    • Established product requirements / assumptions / constraints

    • Developed team action report

    • Implemented project cost controls

    • Utilized status dashboard

    • Instituted steering committee consisting of high-level Exela management

    • Initiated change control process; internal audits and sponsor feedback procedures


A partnership with Exela has produced several positive results. Most notably, is a cost savings of $40 Million over the last 10 years. The bank has also achieved 99% of its performance goals. Leveraging the resources and expertise of an established LockBox provider has allowed the bank to dedicate its operations to the development and delivery of core banking products, while delighting customers with exceptional service. Some additional benefits include:

  • Minimal investment in equipment ownership and maintenance

  • Continuity of labor and employee wages

  • Mitigation of privacy and information security risk

  • Opportunity for future process improvement and cost-savings

  • Courier service/mail delivery reliability

  • High level of processing accuracy

  • Consistency of workflows across bank sites


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