People Behind Our Technology: Tydus Mathis

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Sitting Down with Tydus Mathis: Enterprise Operations Director

What is your position?

Enterprise Operations Director

What is your background, what brought you to Exela?

My background was in banking responsible for Mail, Transportation and Print. I started my career with Bank of America in 1981, and in 1993 I switched jerseys and joined the team.

Describe yourself in five works or less.

  • Dedicated – (38 years in the Financial Industry)
  • Humbled – (By the opportunities the company has afforded to me and my family)
  • Coach – (Love to develop individuals and teams and celebrate their growth)
  • Innovative – (Creative, always thinking. I use my 45-minute commute to envision opportunities that will benefit my client and our Organization)
  • Successful – (By surrounding myself with people smarter than me)

What is an example of something “innovative” you have accomplished – at Exela or elsewhere?

Taking a platform that is already successful and leveraging it into new business opportunities. For example, we have a great track record in the Mail and Copy space with a particular customer, as well as a great rapport with them. Using those strengths, we organically grew our business by way of Transportation Services, Address Remediation and Lockbox. These new business opportunities would not have been possible without key leaders protecting the base business; National Directors Renee Sanders and Justin Knight, Enterprise Ops Manager Eny Alfonso and the entire Management and staff within Mail and Copy Services.

What industry trends (outlook) do you see?

Great question, Risk is always a big concern. Companies are starting to invest in this area. We have a great opportunity to help protect our clients with a secure mail solution, Digital Mail and Intelligent Lockers.

How are you and/or Exela addressing them?

We address these with our clients using several vehicles: through our 1 on 1’s, Strategy calls, and QBR’s. Once a year we would establish an Innovation Day which showcases all of our capabilities.

Learn more from Exela:

Join us for Exela’s People Behind Our Technology series, a new initiative that highlights both our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and proprietary technology solutions. Our SMEs answer a series of questions that help provide insight into the present and future of Exela’s suite of solutions, leveraging their hands-on experience to demonstrate value. Stay tuned for more, and continue to visit the Exela website to see the full list of our People Behind Our Technology Q&A blogs.

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Tydus Mathis
Industry Solutions

Exela’s Cisco Liquido on How the Single-Vendor Model Mitigates the Dreaded “Document Sprawl”

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“As banks scramble to meet consumers’ changing banking expectations, they struggle with legacy system integration,” writes Cisco Liquido on June 10, 2019 in the ABA Banking Journal. “Vendors are added one at a time, one bank acquires another, new systems are tacked on to old ones to address evolving problems, and the result can be a mess of disconnected systems, redundant processes and excessive documentation.”

Cisco Liquido is Exela’s Vice President for Business Strategies, and he understands the pain points that challenge banks as they grow and transform to meet consumers’ expectations. Read on as he talks about how poorly designed systems integrations lead to “document sprawl,” with all its redundancies, inefficiencies, and risks, and then proposes a methodology for avoiding the problem in the first place. For more of Cisco’s incisive thought leadership, check out this piece on

Read the rest of the article here.

For more on the latest banking thought leadership, check out the ABA Banking Journal.

For more up-to-the-minute Exela news, bookmark the Exela Blog. To learn more about Exela’s rapidly deployable business process automation solutions, check out our Solutions page.

Author Name
Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

4 Factors Financial Services Organizations Should Consider as Brexit Looms (or not?)

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The possible exit of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU), or “Brexit” as it’s come to be known, presents uncertainties for all UK-based organizations, starting with the fact that no one knows what the precise terms of Brexit will be—or even if it’s actually going to happen.

If only we had a crystal ball.

But not knowing what lays ahead doesn’t preclude planning ahead. In fact, for UK-based financial services organizations, particularly those providing services in the EU, the existence of multiple possible outcomes might actually be viewed as an opportunity to re-examine current business models to come up with innovative strategies to make the most of whatever the actual outcome turns out to be.

Here at Exela, in connection with providing continued seamless service to our UK-based financial services customers no matter what the outcome, we’ve been contemplating the following factors, which we’re happy to share:

The power of the pivot

In 2016, the British electorate voted that the UK should exit from the EU. Soon after, Prime Minister Theresa May announced the exit process would begin no later than the first quarter of 2017. However, the PM’s announcement was met with immediate opposition, leading to an extension of the exit date to March 29, 2019. Shortly before that date arrived, the date was extended twice more to account for political disagreement over exactly how Brexit would happen:

  • Would it be precisely as it had been envisioned by PM May?
  • Or was there room for compromise (also known as “Soft Brexit”)?
  • Or perhaps agreement required going even further than May had envisioned in severing ties with the EU (“Hard Brexit”)?

The current date set for Brexit is October 31, 2019. However, in mid-May, Brexit discussions broke down, leading PM May’s resignation announcement. Will the date slip further? Will Brexit happen? If so, how?

Only one thing seems clear at this moment, which is that if and when Brexit is finalized, it will be on short notice (no more than three months, and possibly quite a bit less). Accordingly, being prepared requires “planned agility” with the ability to pivot easily and seamlessly. To cultivate such agility, it’s not a bad idea to consider assembling a Brexit leadership team that meets and reports to the CEO on a regular basis (e.g., weekly, or perhaps often as the calendar draws closer to the current Brexit date). Such team would ideally be comprised of key stakeholders.

The relocation equation

One of the major challenges for UK-based financial organizations is that Brexit may mean an end to the current “passporting system,” which enables all EU firms to trade freely with one another, with minimal authorization. If that’s the case, then UK-based financial organizations will suddenly be subject to an array of newly applicable regulatory requirements…unless they relocate, in whole or in part, to a location within the EU.

The “relocation equation” is a complicated moving target, factoring in, among other things:

  • How much of the business is affected by newly applicable regulatory requirements?
  • Is it possible to relocate some but not all of the business?
  • What are the costs associated with relocation (including loss of human capital, time needed for new recruiting, etc.)?
  • What is the availability of appropriate premises in alternate locations?

Workforce impact

In the event of Brexit, the following considerations may come into play and should be taken into account at the planning level now:

  • Whether and which employees have EU passports
  • Willingness of non-EU-passport-holding employees to register as EU citizens
  • Workforce sentiment regarding relocation.
  • New qualifications, trainings, and certifications that relocation necessitates.

Data security

Currently, data security is governed by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The UK has committed to adopting an equivalent set of regulations in the event of Brexit, as well as a fail-safe sort of provisions acknowledging that companies in compliance under the EU are presumptively in compliance with the UK equivalent. But while this allows for the continued flow of personal data from the UK to the EU, it doesn’t take into account the flow of data from the EU to the UK, with respect to which new regulations are anticipated, along with new reporting requirements.


Although it’s impossible to predict exactly how Brexit will unfold, strategic planning must continue for financial services organisations, particularly those based in the UK and performing services throughout the EU. The absence of a clear end-game does not preclude strategic planning, but rather requires the consideration of a variety of factors, some of which we’ve identified here, and all of which Exela, as a provider of services to financial services organizations throughout the world, is taking into account in its own contingency planning.

You can learn more about here about how Exela’s Banking & Financial Services Suite of solutions can streamline your financial institution’s compliance processes—from time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone to time-saving, efficient, and cost-saving. Embracing complexity, delivering simplicity. It’s what we do at Exela.

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Martin Edwards and Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

7 Top-Notch Team-Building Tips from Proven Team Leaders

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Exela’s Chief Executive, Ron Cogburn, loves telling a good story, especially one with a useful lesson, and when he does, the members of #TeamExela (all 22,000 of us) take notes. Of course, we aren’t the only ones. At the beginning of this year’s baseball season, Ron wowed Forbes readers by placing predictive analytics squarely into the glove pocket of baseball manager Billy Beane’s transformation of the baseball business back in the late 1990s. Now, Ron is at it again, weighing in with other members of the Forbes Technology Council, on the best and most effective team-building techniques.

Ensuring your team is working as a cohesive unit takes real management skill, the Council notes at the outset, but the “range of personalities,” and “varying work and communications styles” often presents challenges. So how do talented team leaders bring their team members together for the best and most effective collaboration? You can read the full story here, but I happen to have the inside scoop on how some of Exela’s team leaders have brought to bear some of the most unique and unexpected strategies into building their top-notch teams. I’m sharing the highlights here, beginning with Ron’s team-building tip.

  • Ron Cogburn—CEO of Exela Technologies
    “This will sound silly to the stuffier side of the business community, but in my company, we hug. There is no faster way to build a relationship of trust and a feeling of unity within a team than to have a little physical, but professional, contact between team members when greeting each other or saying goodbye. Even the most misanthropic people tend to feel some camaraderie with the people they hug.”
  • Eliza Leonardis – Director, Marketing and Communications at Exela Technologies
    "Get to know your team on a personal level. Taking the time to get to know one another as people enables authentic collaboration. It's almost like we can finish one another's sentences, and that just might be the secret sauce for moving as quickly as our jobs require, which is basically warp speed."
    Note: As one of Eliza's team members, I can completely vouch for that. My first week onboard at Exela involved not only a flurry of one-on-one getting-to-know-you meetings but also a team dinner at a local tapas place. There’ve been more team dinners as others have on-boarded, and I look forward to many more as we grow in force.
  • Jeff Gershowitz, General Counsel of Exela Technologies
    “We have weekly phone calls with the entire legal team, which is geographically spread out. As part of the call, members are welcome to offer sincere kudos to other team members— thanking them for contributions, their dedication, and their accomplishments.” And guess what? They always do. And it’s been proving highly effective at boosting team identity and empathy.
    In addition, Exela’s Deputy General Counsel, Erik Mengwall, clued me on Jeff’s now-famous “morning walks.” “Every morning, I try to personally walk by everyone’s office to say hello, check in, see how things are going.” As a result of the “morning walks,” Jeff’s team is uniquely “checked in” with one another. Every team has issues from time to time, but those issues never have a chance to fester with Jeff’s approach.
  • Carlos Mallen, Senior Vice President Human Resources for Exela (Americas and Europe)
    “Every day Exela leaders from across the globe focus on keeping their teams together. Whether it's going to lunch together, playing on a company sports teams with each other, or just coming together for a summer picnic or barbeque with coworkers, or a cake to celebrate a new hire or major service anniversary, the idea is the same - have fun and get to know each other. The better we know each other and the more we train ourselves to have fun at work, the easier it will be for our teams to band together and work through the tougher times like a crazy deliverable or a truly complex problem we need to make ridiculously simple in a high trust environment. It's these little things that make us successful... go team!”
  • John Garippa, SVP Banking and Financial Services at Exela
    John’s “cross-pollination” approach begins with the rather brave acknowledgement that to the extent every team member has unique strengths, they also can benefit from the strengths of others on the team. John leverages the diversity of strengths into synergies, and his team members understand the team is strong because of those synergies. Of his unique “no I in Team,” approach, John says the end game is that “the whole team value is greater than the sum of its parts.”
    Here’s where you can learn more about Exela’s suite of banking and financial services solutions.
  • Charlene Hickman, Manager – Proposal Development at Exela
    Charlene, who manages and coordinates the proposals Exela creates for its customers and potential customers, including those responding to RFPs, has the challenging task of managing a single team of proposal writers who are located in disparate locations around the world. To keep the team operating as a team, Charlene likes to staff projects with pairs of writers from disparate locations. For example, she will pair an India-based writer with a Stamford, Connecticut-based writer. “This pairing fosters idea sharing, collaboration, and team building, as well as provide ‘follow the sun’ support to the sales community,” Charlene explains.

For more up-to-the-minute Exela news, including more our thought leaders, stay tuned to the Exela Blog. To learn more about Exela’s rapidly deployable business process automation solutions, check out our Solutions page.

Author Name
Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

Exela Raises $22,630 for the American Cancer Society

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In yet another outstanding showing of philanthropy, Exela recently presented the American Cancer Society (ACS) with a check for $22,630 raised in connection with the ACS Relay for Life event that took place at the Rockcastle County Middle School in Mount Vernon, Kentucky on June 19, 2019. This amount reflects an impressive $12,630 raised by Exela employees—plus $10,000 contributed by Exela, which had pledged to match all employee donations up to $10,000.

Every single one of Exela’s 639 full-time employees located in Exela’s Mount Vernon, Kentucky and London, Kentucky workplaces contributed to the effort in some capacity, whether by directly soliciting donations, selling raffle tickets, walking the track, or cheering on and otherwise supporting those walking. It was the second time Exela participated in this signature ACS fundraiser. Last year, the Exela Rators, as Exela’s “Team Kentucky” likes to be known, raised $10,328.

Exela’s involvement in Relay for Life began in 2018 at the suggestion of Supervisor Amie Jo Campbell and former Director of Operations Karen Knox, both of whom saw an opportunity for Team Kentucky to take an active role in the local community. Campbell and Knox were this year’s top two ‘Rator fundraisers, and both feel a deeply personal connection to the ACS’s mission to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. Campbell lost a beloved cousin to cancer just one day before his 13th birthday. Knox, herself, is a proud cancer survivor.

“We’re passionate about this cause because we have all been affected by cancer in some shape or form,” says Clarissa Hubbard, the ‘Rators’s third highest fundraiser this year. “We all know someone who’s fought or is currently fighting this battle.”

Exela’s strong participation in this year’s Relay for Life earned it awards in four categories:

  • Team Spirit (for the second year in a row, in connection with its dominating the games hosted at the event)
  • Movin’ On Top (for the largest percentage increase in funds raised from last year to this year)
  • 1st place in Business Teams (for the second year in a row, for raising more money than any other team in the Business category)
  • Top Team (for the second year in a row, for raising more money than any other team overall).

According to Team Lead Kristen Adams, it was Exela’s pledge that provided the extra kick of motivation to the team. “We are so grateful our company could come together and help in a huge way,” notes Adams. “We’re already trying to come up with new ways to raise MORE money for next year!!

Special thanks to all the ‘Rators who walked in the Relay on the night of June 19:

  • Kristen Barron-Adams*
  • Steve Adams
  • Danny Bishop
  • Lisa Burdine
  • Christy Camel
  • Amie Jo Campbell*
  • Treena Chasteen*
  • Linda Damrell
  • Bernice Griffieth
  • Darlene Hamilton
  • Kristi Hansel*
  • Vernice Hargis
  • Clarissa Hubbard*
  • Antonia Jones
  • Karen Knox (Exela Emeritus)
  • Kelli Lake
  • Jacob Lawrence
  • JaDawn Lopez
  • Morgan McGuire-Renner
  • Robert Payne
  • Danny Pelly
  • Krystal Powell
  • April Smith
  • Sam Snyder*
  • Hannah Sowder
  • Pamela Sowder
  • Alexis Stewart
  • Tyler Vaughn
  • Tausha Woods
  • Kathy Wright

* Indicates one of the Top 7 Exela fundraisers for this event.

Author Name
Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

21 Staggering Security Statistics Every Business Should Consider

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Cybercrime is on the rise, and it’s becoming an ever-costlier problem. To give you a sense of just how serious an issue security is in the age of digital transformation, take a look at these up-to-the-minute security statistics...but be sure you’re sitting down because, they’re staggering.1

Security Statistics

Later this week, we’ll be diving in to discover how the “bad guys” get in, and in the coming weeks, we’ll be addressing how keeping them out isn’t just doable but the essence of what we do every day at Exela, as well as all the security matters you’ll want to consider when choosing your digital transformation partner.

Gotta read it all now? You can download the entire series as a flipping-book here:

In the future, be sure to subscribe to Exela’s quarterly thought leadership publication, PluggedIN for up-to-the-minute news and views on topics that matter to you.

  1. 1. Stat sources:,,,,
Author Name
Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

Firm Lowers Costs by Outsourcing Remittance Operations

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A Fortune 500 provider of global procurement, payment and travel services, with 181 billion dollars in assets sought to reduce its total cost of ownership (TCO), associated with its front-end and back-end remittance processing, to just 80%. Managing an annual volume of more than 30 MM paper remittances in-house required significant investments in equipment, labor, system licenses, and PCI-compliance audits. To off-set some of these costs, the firm wanted to downsize and consolidate its in-house operations. The firm was also getting bogged down with multiple software licenses, in-house ACH clearing systems, and contracts that were due to expire.


The firm selected Exela as its primary out-source provider for its remittance processing operations. Currently, Exela processes an annual volume of more than 30MM payments for the firm. Outsourcing its remittance operations, including its manual keying and depository functions, provided the firm with a means of reducing its total ownership costs. The implementation encompassed a phased approach, beginning with front-end operations, and continuing with IT/back-end processes, including ACH clearing, quality assurance and depository functions. Working together with Exela, the firm completed a successful migration from its previous remittance platform, US Data Works, to Exela’s TMS system. The firm’s ACH engine, which was also expiring, was replaced with Exela’s solution.

Today, we provide the full spectrum of paper and electronic payment processing services including:

  • Commercial and retail LockBox processing services
  • Electronic LockBox services
  • Remote remittance LockBox spoke
  • Improved processing turn-around times, from 3 ½ days to 48 hours
  • Decreased the firm’s total ownership costs by 20%
  • Dedicated Relationship Management
  • Continuous SLA Achievement: Payment post accuracy (99%); timeliness; duplicate payments; exceptions; decisions processing errors; misposts
  • Continuous Improvement: Since partnering with Exela, this firm has benefited from several system upgrades; process improvements and service extensions.
  • Risk Mitigation: By entrusting its auditing and compliance activities to an expert. the firm was able to reduce its risk of regulatory non-compliance


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