Facilities & Logistics

Facilities & Logistics
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#TeamExela Represents at the Thanksgiving 2019 Palisades Turkey Trot

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#TeamExela Represents at the Thanksgiving 2019 Palisades Turkey Trot
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Thanksgiving in Los Angeles happens to “fall” during the local rainy season, but that didn’t stop #TeamExela from turning up bright and early--and in unprecedented numbers--Thanksgiving 2019 to participate in the 7th Annual Funding Palisades Turkey Trot. Exela was a corporate sponsor this year and was represented by more than 50 participants (we had to stop counting at 50, and we can’t even begin to estimate how many were watching and cheering from the sidelines)--including Exela personnel, family, and friends. Race officials told us we had the highest group representation at the races that day. And you couldn’t miss us in our orange team t-shirts. Check out photos of the event here and here, and you’ll get an idea of what we’re talking about.

It’s been several weeks and several holidays since the Turkey Trot, but we’re still “kvelling” over the dedication our team demonstrates toward our #ExelaGivesBack program, of which the Turkey Trot was a highlight in 2019. As always, as part of the #ExelaGivesBack program, Exela agreed to match all donations from #TeamExela, dollar for dollar, and we’re also proud to report that in connection with this Turkey Trot, Exela raised over $10,000 for the Child Life Program at the UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital. The Program helps hospitalized kids of all ages cope with their hospital stays through age-appropriate therapeutic activities expertly designed to meet their needs. You can read more about the work the Program does here in this blog on Helping Hospitalized Children and Their Families.

To see what else #TeamExela accomplished in 2018 for the #ExelaGivesBack program, take a look at our Annual Corporate Philanthropy Review here. And stay tuned for some really exciting news about our plans for #ExelaGivesBack in 2020.

Author Name
Lauren Cahn
Industry Solutions

Hospitality Giant Realizes Huge Savings and Gains Efficiencies with Major Digital Transformation

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Digital Mailroom
Features & Benefits

A global leader in the hospitality and vacation ownership industries was spending exorbitant amounts storing more than 3,000 marketing and promotional items in a large, centralized warehouse. The company relied on multiple providers for procurement and distribution management, which only added to the problem; resulting in greater inefficiencies and higher costs—purchases were spread out among supply sources with limited opportunities for higher volume discounts or negotiated rates. Managing its inventory was another costly issue, with lack of control and high obsolescence. There was no centralized, online repository of assets; making it difficult to keep track of items and fulfill orders from its individual resorts. Additionally, there was limited flexibility in the existing business model to accommodate customized orders from resorts wanting to add a personalized touch to printed standard items such as, resort marketing materials, posters, and business operation materials such as, TV guides and menus.


It was clear that a major transformation was desperately needed. The company sought the expertise of a seasoned strategic partner with established supplier connections and advanced digital transformation capabilities to clear the way for a shift in its current business model. It realized that relying on the services of multiple providers for warehousing, procurement and fulfillment were both costly and inefficient; switching to one provider to manage it all was the best option. Once Exela was chosen, the hard work began. The first step towards transformation was to introduce a new print on demand system; which meant moving over all of the items currently being stored in the warehouse. An automated procurement system replaced the old way of managing the supply chain; providing a streamlined, web-based platform for selecting vendors; securing quotes; and tracking jobs. And, because it’s vendor agnostic, Exela was able to integrate all third-party applications into its own e-bidding platform to enable supplier categorization, recognized savings methodologies and reporting for the different levels of the procurement process.

Next, to provide the individual resorts with greater ordering flexibility and more options for customization, Exela implemented an intelligent marketing solution featuring a digital storefront for online print and promotional item ordering. Utilizing variable data composition engines, this platform allows for personalized, targeted communications. Now, resorts would be able to choose from a menu of templates and design options to create unique marketing assets for better customer experience.


By shifting towards a more digitally-enabled business model, the company realized significant savings, while creating a more personalized, engaging experience for its customers. Through the deployment of its on-demand fulfillment application, it was able to reduce its physical inventory by approximately 70%. And, by consolidating its supply chain management and procurement services, and automating its strategic sourcing operations it was able to reduce the excessive costs incurred every month. The company no longer had to rely on several providers to procure items and secure the best rates from suppliers. With Exela’s bid management capabilities and online procurement system, the company was guaranteed competitive pricing. In fact, within the first year; the company realized a savings of $1.4MM. With the implementation of Intelligent marketing applications, individual resorts (a total of 1,500 end users) benefited from greater ordering flexibility and personalized design options.

Other notable accomplishments include:

  • Development of a powerful web-based solution for the company to access printed communication and promotional items
  • Optimization of the supply chain; resulting in a 25% savings on promotional material for the resorts
  • Reduction in enterprise print spend, translating into significant cost savings for each resort
  • Utilization of intelligent communications to enhance customer experience
  • The procurement of a 10.1” tablet for the resort’s membership program resulted in a savings of $930.000 (35%)
  • The provision of two on-site buyers that are able to react to any immediate need
  • Corporate sponsorship of the company’s flagship golf tournament

By utilizing a cloud-based approach, we were able to provide transparency, while delivering significant cost savings across the company’s enterprise. In all, the company successfully transformed its business by leveraging digitalization and automation for more efficient processes, significant costs savings, and a more advantageous market position.

How Smart Lockers Help Retailers

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Facility & Logistics
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In the midst of a strong economy, U.S. retailers have announced more than 8,200 store closings this year, which is well above 2017’s record-shattering 6,700 and only a fraction of the 12,000 that experts forecast will close before the end of 2019.[1] Store closings affect not only the retailers themselves. Store closings give rise to layoffs. Layoffs give rise to unemployment. Unemployment gives rise to budget-tightening. Budget-tightening inevitably has a damning effect on consumer shopping habits. If this is the situation in a strong economy, it’s not unreasonable to fear what’s ahead for the retail industry if the U.S. were to slip into recession-mode, as some economists fear it might sometime in the next 12 months.

Intelligent Lockers For Retail


If you can’t beat ‘em…

If the main reason for the so-called “retail apocalypse” is, as many analysts assert, that Americans are shunning brick-and-mortar shopping for the convenience, efficiency, and flexibility of online shopping,[2] then it may be that the solution is to accept the problem and work within its confines. What that means is finding ways to optimize the customer experience vis a vis brick-and-mortar shopping. In fact, there’s been some movement toward this, with some retailers, including Macy’s and Restoration Hardware actually increasing their investment in their brick-and-mortar assets.[3] Some are putting their money into spiffing-up their spaces, but others are going a step further, embracing “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” by using their brick-and-mortar stores to facilitate their online business.


Intelligent Lockers bridge the gap between online and brick-and-mortar

Among the most promising ways retailers are using tech to the advantage of their brick-and-mortar locations is by installing automated locker systems that offer the best of both online and brick-and-mortar shopping. These systems consist of banks of individual “smart” lockers” (which is to say, electronically enabled and internet-connected) of varying sizes (to accommodate varying sizes of merchandise). These have many uses in business but have a specific and significant value in retail: to bridge the gap between online and brick-and-mortar shopping to allow customers the greatest flexibility with regard to designing their own shopping experience. Here are just a few ways that works:


Buy-online, pick-up in-store (BOPIS)

One-day delivery was certainly a nice idea when Amazon introduced it. However, in practice, it’s rare for something you order online to actually arrive at your door the next day. BOPIS permits customers to shop online to their heart’s desire and then pick up their haul as quickly as immediately at the retailer’s local locker hub, without having to interface with a store employee.

Not all consumers want to pick up their packages personally, but many do for reasons that include the avoidance of “porch piracy” (theft of packages left “at the front porch” of their home, which is becoming an increasing risk in the online shopping economy), enhancing privacy (does the UPS guy really need to know you bought that thing from that vendor?), and, of course, the primal desire for instantaneous gratification (you ordered it now, you want it now; you just don’t want to have to deal with snarky employees, lines at the register, and whatever else annoys you about in-store shopping.


Buy online, return in-store

You bought a great shirt online, and it is great, but it turns out you aren’t keeping the slacks you bought it to go with. Instead of repacking the shirt, printing a label, and depositing it at a courier, you can simply return it at the brick-and-mortar’s locker hub, without spending a moment online at customer service.


Buy online, exchange in-store

Same shirt, different problem: you love the shirt, but it pulls at the shoulders. You don’t want to return it; you just want to size-up. With smart parcel lockers, all you have to do is to key in the size you desire into your smartphone or computer, et voila, it’s waiting for you in a locker assigned to you for the transaction.

What’s good for the customer here is also good for the retailer. In addition, intelligent lockers in the retail context enable more business to be transacted without additional employees. Down the line, it can mean fewer customer-facing employees altogether. It can also mean less inventory on the shopping floor, which will reduce theft and damage to merchandise. Click here for more information on Exela Intelligent Lockers and how they can optimize your retail business. Want it in printable format? Click here .

Author Name
Lauren Cahn
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