
Smart Electronic Signatures for Transformed Document Signing

Secure and legally binding signatures on the go

Paperless transactions for speedy agreement finalizations

Digital document storage and retrieval

Smart dashboard for document tracking


DrySign, Exela’s proprietary Electronic Signature platform, is designed to securely exchange legally enforceable signatures anywhere, anytime, including to multiple parties. With features like remote document delivery, digital archival, and two-factor authentication, DrySign is a powerful e-signature tool that is a must-have for a completely digitally transformed business.



Exela Smart Officeは、相互接続された職場のテクノロジーとサービスのスイートです。ビジネスプロセス自動化ツールがどのように従業員と訪問者のエクスペリエンスを向上させ、スペースとエネルギーの使用を最適化し、日常のプロセスを合理化できるかをご覧ください。

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