Document Digitization

Document Digitization

Digitizing Services to Save Space, Simplify Retrieval, and Secure Information.

Global capacity for scalable processing.

Comprehensive security protocols.

Increased process efficiencies.

Rapid data retrieval.

Flexible workflows.

Visão geral

For more than two decades, Exela has provided high-quality, high-volume document digitization services. Our digitizing services have converted hundreds of millions of small- and large-format documents and microfilm into digital records.

Our extensive industry experiencerobust infrastructure, and global footprint help us lead the way in the document digitization industry.

Explore os benefícios

High-Speed Scanning

Exela’s proprietary, high-speed production scanners are capable of processing up to 654 pages per minute at lower resolutions and 87 pages per minute at high-resolution color settings.

Automated Data Extraction

Our document digitization systems can capture numerous data types with a high degree of confidence. Extracted data is automatically indexed and transferred into the client’s secure content management system so that it can be easily searched and accessed.

Quality Assurance

Exela’s Quality Management System covers both quality assurance (strategy) and quality control (method). We maintain the integrity of data through periodic random samplings, checks for document digitization quality and accuracy, verification of data, and exception flagging.

Data Security

Exela’s offsite data and document processing facilities employ strict security best practices, including facility access controls, source-material handling restrictions, and network encryption to protect physical and digital records. Keep your data confidential.

Digitalização e processamento de documentos para otimizar o fluxo de trabalho.

Explorar soluções

Unificado em uma única plataforma hospedada em nuvem, o Digital Now é um conjunto de soluções criado para acelerar sua transformação digital. Com software corporativo de rápida implantação e uma equipe de especialistas experientes apoiando você, você pode fazer negócios melhor.

O Exela Smart Office é um conjunto de tecnologias e serviços interconectados no local de trabalho. Descubra como as ferramentas de automação de processos de negócios podem aprimorar a experiência de seus funcionários e visitantes, otimizar o uso de espaço e energia e agilizar os processos diários.

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