Exela Contact Center Services

Contact Center Services

Omni-channel technology combined with exceptional service.

Combining state-of-the-art technology with highly-trained CSRs for exceptional service.

  • Providing call center solutions since 1963.
  • 99.95% system uptime.
  • 85% of calls answered within 3 seconds.
  • Highly-trained, professional staff.
  • Extensive service offerings.


Exela understands the critical role call centers can play as the first point of contact with your business. Our call centers are an extension of your business, and responsive to your priorities. 

Exela operates an extensive network of call centers with integrated omni-channel capabilities, cloud-based telephony, 100% call recording, and multilingual staff that uphold the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction.


Sample Service Offerings

  • Inbound and outbound services.
  • Welcome calls.
  • Appointment scheduling and reminders.
  • Customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Help desk services.
  • Switchboard services.
  • Telesales and cross-selling.

Professional and Proficient CSRs

Exela’s CSRs are hired based on a strict set of requirements and undergo rigorous training to ensure they provide best-in-class service. We also place an emphasis on cross-training for specialty skills to ensure consistent availability of fully trained personnel for every position.

Performance Monitoring and Reporting

In-depth tracking and reporting provides greater transparency and encourages continual growth and optimization. Configurable dashboards allow team leaders and upper management to monitor performance in real time, allowing them to  identify potential issues and implement necessary changes as needed.

Available Reports Include

  • First call resolution.
  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Health of quality report.
  • Weekly observation.
  • Training needed identification.
  • Weekly SLA reporting.



Exela Smart Officeは、相互接続された職場のテクノロジーとサービスのスイートです。ビジネスプロセス自動化ツールがどのように従業員と訪問者のエクスペリエンスを向上させ、スペースとエネルギーの使用を最適化し、日常のプロセスを合理化できるかをご覧ください。

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