Litigation Intelligence & Support

Litigation Intelligence & Support

Legal AI, Case Management & Staffing Solutions.

Comprehensive data security that mitigates risk.

Reduced information processing times and improved data accuracy.

Essential litigation support like expert consulting and testimony.

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Visão geral

Exela has decades of experience working with law firms and major corporations, providing litigation support, customizable technologies, and legal staffing services. We have the infrastructure, technology, and professional legal staff capable of handling projects of any size and complexity.

Our litigation support services are fully customizable and scalable, so they can be project-specific or facilitate everyday processes. Our highly trained, experienced legal staff, process-agnostic platforms, and modular system architecture - employed in an on-site, or hybrid model - will provide the solutions that best fit your needs.

Explore os benefícios

Automated Intelligence Gathering

By utilizing our expertise in both manual processes and automation, such as customizable crawlers, we provide accurate intelligence gathering, asset searches, and social media metadata. Dramatically reduce information processing time, improve data accuracy, and mitigate risk with our machine learning and legal AI-assisted technologies.

Expert Consulting & Testimony

Our team provides actionable insights based on our extensive industry experience, and we provide courtroom-ready testimony in person or through detailed affidavits and declarations.

Case Management

Exela case management teams provide end-to-end litigation support services. Our workflow and project management tools help teams collaborate and enable parallel processing, complete audit trails, and seamless handoffs for maximal efficiency and accuracy.

Records Management & Release

We are experts in complete records management, including automated digitization of physical records, legal AI-enabled legal data capture, routing, archiving, redaction, and destruction. Processes are governed by managed access controls and authorized permissions for sensitive projects.

Print, Mail & Editorial Process Support

We provide high-quality, time-sensitive word processing and legal editorial services, as well as imaging and print services, onsite or offsite. Comprehensive mail processing solutions for physical and digital mail improve speed, accuracy, and transparency, while reducing overhead.

Explorar soluções

Unificado em uma única plataforma hospedada em nuvem, o Digital Now é um conjunto de soluções criado para acelerar sua transformação digital. Com software corporativo de rápida implantação e uma equipe de especialistas experientes apoiando você, você pode fazer negócios melhor.

O Exela Smart Office é um conjunto de tecnologias e serviços interconectados no local de trabalho. Descubra como as ferramentas de automação de processos de negócios podem aprimorar a experiência de seus funcionários e visitantes, otimizar o uso de espaço e energia e agilizar os processos diários.

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