Grievance Management

Grievance Management

Turn employee feedback into employee empowerment.

User-friendly interface captures key details about the incident.

Optional anonymous reporting feature.

Structured and detailed incident reporting.

Resolution management workflow for admins.

Web and mobile applications.


Exela’s Grievance Management platform gives employees a simple, convenient way to report any type of grievance, from dangerous behavior to anonymous tips about suspicious internal activities.

A high percentage of such incidents go unreported due to fear of repercussions, absence of any authority figure at the time of the incident, or simply because the employee does not know the proper channel to use. Empower employees to initiate action when appropriate and reduce the threat of bullying, harassment, and other negative behaviors in the workplace.


Reporting at Your Employees’ Fingertips

An intuitive app that empowers employees to send an incident report to the right person in your organization at the touch of a button. Employees simply fill in the required fields and click ‘Send’.

Security of Anonymity

The application offers the option of sending a report anonymously. Employees are often afraid that they might suffer repercussions when reporting questionable behavior, or they may simply be unaware of how to pass along that information. A secure, anonymous reporting feature solves this problem and gives all employees a voice.

Secure Records & Resolution Management

Incidents reported through the platform are automatically stored as records for administrator reference. The application provides administrators with important statistics, which could help them implement measures that reduce the likelihood of similar instances occurring in the future.


Exela Smart Office est un pack de technologies et de services interconnectés sur votre lieu de travail. Découvrez comment nos solutions d’automatisation des processus d’entreprise peuvent améliorer l’expérience de vos employés et visiteurs, optimiser la gestion de l’espace et de l’énergie, et rationaliser les processus quotidiens.

Centralisé sur un unique hébergement cloud, Digital Now est un pack de solutions conçu pour accélérer votre transformation numérique. Boostez votre entreprise grâce à un logiciel d’entreprise rapidement déployable et une équipe de spécialistes expérimentés à vos côtés.

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