Patient Access

Patient Access

Technologies that offer easy access and a superior experience

Convenient mobile application and digital portal offer anytime, anywhere access

Connected communication channels enable better records management

Intelligent Lobby technologies enhance onsite visits

Front-end data capture streamlines claims administration


Approximately 50% of claims denials occur in the front-end of the revenue cycle. By capturing vital information pre-service, or at the point of service, Exela helps payers and providers reduce the unnecessary spend that results from the claims appeals process.

Exela’s patient access solutions assist with everything from patient registration and eligibility verification to health records access, billing, and payment options. We help to reduce registration mistakes, identify and correct missing data in patient profiles, provide an intuitive billing and payment process, and improve the overall patient experience.


Digital Patient Portal

Exela’s patient portal is accessible through web browsers and a mobile application so that patients enjoy a simple enrollment process and easy access to their medical records, provider network, appointment options, billing and payment options, and insurance information. Integrated messaging and notification services offer appointment reminders and assistance on the go.

Billing & Payments

We provide patients with an easy-access, intuitive portal where billing information, statements, and digital payment options can be accessed. When everything is in one place, patients enjoy a simple, convenient, user-friendly experience.

Intelligent Patient Reception

Our reception technologies enhance the patient experience and help collect valuable data, while reducing demands on staff in the process. Digital kiosks offer patients a streamlined check-in and information verification process, while Intelligent Lockers give them a convenient place to store their personal belongings or pick-up prescriptions after hours.

Integrated Communications

Exela offers a full suite of communication solutions that help unify communication channels to provide an enhanced patient experience and superior data management options. Give patients the choice to use their preferred communication channel, whether that is a phone call, email, text, live or automated chat, or physical mail.


Exela Smart Office ist eine Kombination aus vernetzten Arbeitsplatztechnologien und Dienstleistungen. Finden Sie heraus, wie Tools zur Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Besucher verbessern können durch Optimierung von Platz- und Energieverbrauch sowie der täglichen Abläufe.

Digital Now ist auf einer einzigen, in der Cloud gehosteten Plattform vereint und besteht aus einer Reihe von Lösungen, mit denen Sie Ihre digitale Transformation beschleunigen können. Mit schnell einsetzbarer Unternehmenssoftware und einem Team erfahrener Spezialisten können Sie Ihr Business verbessern.

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