Financial Reporting & Analytics

Financial Reporting & Analytics

Powerful tools for financial tracking, analysis, and visualization.

Create a single source of truth to unify working groups.

Cognitive automation and artificial intelligence offer penetrating data analysis.

Easy-to-use visualization tools make insights intelligible.

Automated alerts inform you of mission-critical developments.


Capture and integrate all of your financial data into a single system where analytics engines can conduct a deep analysis and intuitive visualization tools provide intelligible overviews. Cut through the noise to find the signal, and use it to generate actionable insights.


Financial Data Integration

Exela’s automated data management tools aggregate disparate data sources through data migration processes or a federated search database to create a single source of truth.

Cognitive Search & Knowledge Discovery

Exela’s technology automates data mining, aggregation, classification, and summarization from structured and unstructured sources.

Powerful Analytics

AI-supported analytics and modeling engines extract deep insights from large data sets. Discover patterns, identify correlating factors, and utilize predictive modeling to anticipate the future.

Intuitive Visualizations

Integrated visualization tools allow you to easily create intuitive charts, reports, and other comparative visualizations.

Dashboards & Reporting

Fully customizable dashboards offer dynamic drill downs, macro overviews, trend and anomaly identification, relationship mapping, heatmaps, variance analysis, geospatial intelligence, performance tracking, and detailed reporting – all in one place.

Automated Alerts

Your financial analytics system can be configured with security and compliance monitoring, automated triggers, threshold checks, approval alerts, and notifications via email or text message.


Exela Smart Office est un pack de technologies et de services interconnectés sur votre lieu de travail. Découvrez comment nos solutions d’automatisation des processus d’entreprise peuvent améliorer l’expérience de vos employés et visiteurs, optimiser la gestion de l’espace et de l’énergie, et rationaliser les processus quotidiens.

Centralisé sur un unique hébergement cloud, Digital Now est un pack de solutions conçu pour accélérer votre transformation numérique. Boostez votre entreprise grâce à un logiciel d’entreprise rapidement déployable et une équipe de spécialistes expérimentés à vos côtés.

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