Data Visualization & Reporting

Data Visualization & Reporting

Intuitive data presentment for actionable business intelligence.

Real-time data aggregation.

Easy-to-use visualization tools.

Dynamic data drill down capabilities.

Automated alerts and decision triggers.


Exela’s data visualization tools help organizations manage data more effectively.

Bring your data to life and use it to derive valuable business intelligence by aggregating data from disparate sources in real time and visualizing it in a clear and concise format.


Real-Time Data Analytics

Aggregate data from disparate sources in real time to easily compare metrics, identify correlating factors, and derive valuable business intelligence to make better decisions.

Intuitive Visualizations

When data is organized and easy to review, it is better able to give useful insights and drive decision making. Simple, yet powerful, data visualization tools enable you to transform mere numbers into easy-to-understand charts, reports, and comparative visualizations.

Communications Tools

Built-in text, chat, and email communication tools allow your teams to connect and collaborate within the platform to boost knowledge sharing and collaboration capabilities.

Dashboards & Reporting

Configurable dashboard options put the information you need right in front of you. Dynamic drill down capabilities allow you to explore the details of your data. Macro overviews give you the big picture. Identify trends, identify anomalies, view relationship mappings, and generate informative reports.


Exela Smart Office est un pack de technologies et de services interconnectés sur votre lieu de travail. Découvrez comment nos solutions d’automatisation des processus d’entreprise peuvent améliorer l’expérience de vos employés et visiteurs, optimiser la gestion de l’espace et de l’énergie, et rationaliser les processus quotidiens.

Centralisé sur un unique hébergement cloud, Digital Now est un pack de solutions conçu pour accélérer votre transformation numérique. Boostez votre entreprise grâce à un logiciel d’entreprise rapidement déployable et une équipe de spécialistes expérimentés à vos côtés.

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