High Tech THE EXELA BLOGPeople Behind Our Technology
What do you see for the future of Intelligent Lockers?
The future for our Intelligent locker systems is limitless. It is a natural fit with our Digital Mailroom and Shipping & Receiving solutions. As we learn more about the opportunities, we understand the impact we can make on the industry, coupling our client’s unique needs with our ability to customize the solution very quickly. I believe this gives us a huge competitive advantage over other smart locker vendors.
How do Intelligent Lockers help now? Are there any differentiation factors?
Our lockers make the mailrooms we support, and client mailrooms more efficient. With an Intelligent Locker system installed, deliveries are far more efficient and the ultimate recipient of the package, or mail, can retrieve their package at their convenience. No longer is someone being hunted down, or locked to their desk waiting for an urgent delivery. Our lockers are filling needs in support of multiple RFPs, plus fulfilling client needs in multiple facilities across the US. We have also received quotes for opportunities in EMEA, and look forward to establishing this solution there. Owning the technology and Intellectual Property, that goes along with it, truly differentiates Exela.
Why would you recommend Intelligent Lockers to others?
First and foremost, when you deal with Exela, that immediately provides our clients with flexibility. Customized solutions fulfilling our client’s needs, whether they be hardware or software are the norm when dealing with Exela.
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Join us for Exela’s People Behind Our Technology series, a new initiative that highlights both our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and proprietary technology solutions. Our SMEs answer a series of questions that help provide insight into the present and future of Exela’s suite of solutions, leveraging their hands-on experience to demonstrate value. Stay tuned for more, and continue to visit the Exela website to see the full list of our People Behind Our Technology Q&A blogs.