Here’s the Real Reason Remote Work is Here to Stay

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Here’s the Real Reason Remote Work is Here to Stay
Blog Content

When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, many businesses around the world suddenly found themselves having to accommodate remote working arrangements for the sake of their employees’ and the public’s health. The transition has proven challenging for both businesses and employees.1 But remote working can boost morale, productivity, and savings,2 while also supporting the goal of environmental sustainability3 --provided it’s done correctly, using the necessary technological tools.

Many employees suspected as much long before the pandemic, and
over the last few years have increasingly been seeking out flexibility in the workplace.4 And the technology is there to accommodate the demand. While no one would have picked a global pandemic to catalyze a remote work revolution, it appears that is precisely what has happened. The novel coronavirus outbreak is exposing more people to working remotely than ever. Many will grow accustomed to the benefits, and businesses wishing to stay competitive in the race to attract talent will have to continue supporting it going forward.

Thus far, remote work appears to be a good thing for business. As McKinsey points out, working remotely can boost productivity by boosting morale: “Employees who spend less time travelling or commuting and have a better work-life balance are likely to be more motivated and ready to mobilize in extreme situations.”5 The remote work “experiment” mandated by the coronavirus pandemic could put to rest any lingering doubts that workers can be productive and motivated outside the traditional office.

Our hope is that for the outbreak and resulting worldwide pivot to remote work will prove the viability of remote work, not just as part of a fully functional business continuity plan but also as part of a business-as-usual business plan. Here at Exela, here are some of the solutions we offer that can help make that happen for your business:

As you work through these challenging times, we hope you’ll find this glossary of COVID-19 terms helpful. For more on the topic of remote work, you’ll want to check out COVID-19: A Tipping Point for Remote Work, a special edition of PluggedIN, Exela's thought leadership news magazine, providing fresh insights from the cutting edge every quarter. We’re offering it absolutely free.

Subscribe. Plug in. Upgrade your mind.

Author Name
Lauren Cahn

A Smart Office to Outsmart Business Disruption

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A Smart Office to Outsmart Business Disruption
Blog Content

As of April 2, 2020, COVID-19 has infected 956,588 people and killed 48,320[1]. Hoping to contain the spread, the World Health Organization declared a “pandemic,” leading myriad companies to institute remote work. Many companies were unprepared. Even those with existing remote infrastructure were not necessarily ready for a scenario in which literally no one is in the office.

Nevertheless, Exela remains optimistic this great remote-work experiment will succeed. That’s because solutions ensuring business continuity even with no one in the office already exist. In fact, they’re integral to Exela’s Smart Office suite of solutions, which many of our customers had already been using prior to the pandemic. Smart Office automates a variety of office processes, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and security and setting the scene for seamless remote work. Exela’s Smart Office is comprised of a selection of data-driven solutions--some front-office, some back-office, all of which are aimed at creating and supporting a more efficient, productive, and sustainable workplace. These include, among others:

  • Digital Mailroom, which transforms paper mail into digital format, securely routing it to its intended recipient(s) anywhere with an internet connection.
  • PrintShop, which prints and copies documents remotely on-demand and securely routes them to their intended recipients.
  • Intelligent Lobby, which eliminates the need for staffed reception spaces and allows office access without unnecessary, and risky, interaction.

Over the next several days and weeks to come, we will be addressing these and other Exela Smart Office solutions and how they can help your office retain business continuity in these uncertain times. As you work through the current global crisis, please be aware that the best remedy currently known for COVID-19 is prevention. Here are the CDC’s best practices for prevention. And please do not hesitate to contact us at, and let us know if we can assist you in any way.


Author Name
Lauren Cahn


Enterprise printing – on time and on budget.

Print Shop

PrintShop is Exela’s on-demand enterprise print and reprographics platform that gives users access to comprehensive printing services onsite or offsite.

Whether printing is handled at your facility, one of our offsite print locations, our MegaCenters, or a third-party print operator in our network, PrintShop gives you access to fully customizable, high-speed, high-quality printing services.

Easy-to-use cloud-based printing platform.

Complete process visibility and real-time job tracking.

Instant cost estimates and cost center classification.

Fully configurable and scalable.

Secure File Transmission

All files processed through PrintShop are secured using a 256-bit encryption protocol to ensure data safety and confidentiality.

Real-Time Tracking

Keep track of your order at every stage of the process from request to delivery.

Simple Interface

PrintShop is a web-based system that offers intuitive functionality, much like an e-commerce website.

Rapid Integration

PrintShop is easily configurable with point-and-click site options, white labeling service, and the increased flexibility of a scalable hosting environment.

Print-Ready Formatting

Users can upload numerous file types and enjoy automatic conversion into print-ready formats.

Offsite Capability

You have the option of processing your printing jobs offsite at one of Exela’s printing centers, our multi-function MegaCenters, or a third-party print network vendor of your choosing.

Instant Cost Estimates

Once all necessary information for design, materials, volumes, and shipment have been entered, a cost estimate is provided to the user for easy budgeting.

Job Retention

Uploaded files can be retained in a dedicated catalog for use in future printing orders, eliminating the need to upload the same job multiple times.

Industry Credentials
Is Product?
The one stop solution to all your Printing needs
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Exela Manages Onsite Services for Global Law Firm

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A winning service delivery model wins renewal and expansion at a global law firm.

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Workplace Management
Features & Benefits

Exela is a longtime provider of a variety of services to over 70 percent of the firm’s offices. While service delivery varies by office, Exela’s digital solutions contribute to the effective management of copy, fax, mail, managed print services, scanning supply management, reception, and hospitality services – all delivered onsite at the firm’s various locations.

As a five-year renewal period approached, Exela Service Delivery Managers continued to work closely with the firm to discover new ways to enhance and grow our services. Exela collaboratively transformed our delivery strategies to adhere to the evolving needs of modern law practice and earned this client’s continued business.

The challenge was to upgrade technology where possible, refine workflows, expand staffing and cross-training efforts, and produce a standardized, scalable equipment platform with flexible options, managed by a single point of contact across all locations. Our goal was to do this while simultaneously maintaining our cost-saving approach and our commitment to providing high-quality white-glove service and support.


Our approach to expanding our services, in this case, was based upon rebadging and retraining the firm’s existing staff, rather than hiring an entirely new workforce. Part of this effort entails the development of detailed training manuals and an extensive, multi-track training program.

When necessary, we introduced upgraded technology, but we also retained existing print and scanning hardware where appropriate and reduced the overall number of machines, to keep costs down. We recommended a custom solution that encompassed all print output needs within a single cloud-based print management system. Our solution architects were able to create a holistic vision for the integration of new and existing technologies so that we continued to work toward a unified service and communication model across all locations.

Since our service updates placed an emphasis on the increased use of tech-enabled solutions, we made sure to focus heavily on maintaining compliance. This was particularly important in this case, because of the nature of our customer’s business. Quality assurance controls and external auditing demonstrated a secure, compliant process throughout.

  • 15% first-year equipment savings

  • 10% overall labor savings

  • 27% savings through Exela’s managed print services

  • Consulting support to help optimize word processing and records management

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