Public Sector

Digital Transformation for the Public Sector

Public sector solutions that increase productivity and reduce costs at all levels of government.

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47 milhões +

Usuários online

1 B

Documentos Apresentados Anualmente

400 +

Parceiros do governo estadual e local

6,5 T

Registros digitais gerenciados nas Américas

Visão geral

Rigid regulatory and operational requirements and the high cost of developing in-house solutions make it difficult for the public sector to stay at the forefront of the digital revolution. Yet, the huge volume of claims, service requests, and payments processed by public sector organizations, and the sheer size of the stakeholder class itself, makes staying up to date imperative.

In order to benefit from the cost savings, efficiencies, and service enhancements made possible by technological innovation, strategic partnerships with the private sector are essential, but it’s important to select the right partner – one who understands the landscape, remains flexible in the face of changing demands, and accommodates the needs of government at the local, state, and federal level.

Exela partners with government agencies of every size and scope to help reduce costs, increase efficiency, and provide a better level of service to constituents. Our solutions meet the needs of the public sector both onsite and offsite, using software and automation technologies to create a nimble approach that responds to the need to stay compliant, control budgets, and manage changes to public policy.

industry circles public-sector

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Unificado em uma única plataforma hospedada em nuvem, o Digital Now é um conjunto de soluções criado para acelerar sua transformação digital. Com software corporativo de rápida implantação e uma equipe de especialistas experientes apoiando você, você pode fazer negócios melhor.

O Exela Smart Office é um conjunto de tecnologias e serviços interconectados no local de trabalho. Descubra como as ferramentas de automação de processos de negócios podem aprimorar a experiência de seus funcionários e visitantes, otimizar o uso de espaço e energia e agilizar os processos diários.

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