
Flexible Business Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

A commitment to efficiency, productivity, and quality supports the continued success of Exela’s manufacturing partnerships.

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4.000 +

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~ 150

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17.500 +

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47 M +

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Software Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

Disruptive technologies and the pressures of globalization are transforming manufacturing industries quickly, and the trends of today are likely to impact companies for years to come. Given the challenges manufacturers face, it is more important than ever to invest in technology that upgrades mission-critical operations.

With manufacturing software and services, Exela helps optimize operations and shorten cycle times for some of the world’s leading manufacturers. We remain adaptable to meet ever-changing needs in the competitive manufacturing landscape.

Manufacturing ERP Software and Much More

We have developed manufacturing workflow software to improve virtually every facet of operations. Our technology supports manufacturing firms where they need it most, including:

industry circles manufacturing

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Explore Soluciones

Unificado en una única plataforma alojada en la nube, Digital Now es un conjunto de soluciones creadas para acelerar su transformación digital. Con software empresarial de implementación rápida y un equipo de especialistas experimentados detrás de usted, puede hacer negocios mejor.

Exela Smart Office es un conjunto de tecnologías y servicios de lugar de trabajo interconectados. Descubra cómo las herramientas de automatización de procesos empresariales pueden mejorar la experiencia de sus empleados y visitantes, optimizar el uso de espacio y energía y agilizar los procesos diarios.

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