Innovative Solutions Transforming the Travel and Tourism Industry

Travel & Hospitality

Travel and hospitality is one of the fastest growing and highly competitive sectors in the global economy. Players in this space are under constant pressure to improve operations and provide an enhanced customer experience, while simultaneously cutting costs.

This is a difficult proposition for any company, but Exela has the information management tools, front office automation technologies, software, and services needed to meet the challenge.

Exela helps streamline operations and reduce costs by introducing efficiencies into front and back-office functions. We make this possible by centralizing processing, automating manual tasks, digitizing mail management, optimizing reception and facilities management, and enabling dynamic targeted marketing based on rich customer profiles.

industry circles travel

Proprietary technologies to help optimize business functions, cut costs, and maximize revenue in the travel and hospitality industry.

Industry Credentials

Customers Worldwide

4,000 +

Global Employees

17,500 +

Online Users

47 M +

Onsite Locations


Hospitality Giant Realizes Huge Savings and Gains Efficiencies with Major Digital Transformation

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Digital Mailroom
Features & Benefits

A global leader in the hospitality and vacation ownership industries was spending exorbitant amounts storing more than 3,000 marketing and promotional items in a large, centralized warehouse. The company relied on multiple providers for procurement and distribution management, which only added to the problem; resulting in greater inefficiencies and higher costs—purchases were spread out among supply sources with limited opportunities for higher volume discounts or negotiated rates. Managing its inventory was another costly issue, with lack of control and high obsolescence. There was no centralized, online repository of assets; making it difficult to keep track of items and fulfill orders from its individual resorts. Additionally, there was limited flexibility in the existing business model to accommodate customized orders from resorts wanting to add a personalized touch to printed standard items such as, resort marketing materials, posters, and business operation materials such as, TV guides and menus.


It was clear that a major transformation was desperately needed. The company sought the expertise of a seasoned strategic partner with established supplier connections and advanced digital transformation capabilities to clear the way for a shift in its current business model. It realized that relying on the services of multiple providers for warehousing, procurement and fulfillment were both costly and inefficient; switching to one provider to manage it all was the best option. Once Exela was chosen, the hard work began. The first step towards transformation was to introduce a new print on demand system; which meant moving over all of the items currently being stored in the warehouse. An automated procurement system replaced the old way of managing the supply chain; providing a streamlined, web-based platform for selecting vendors; securing quotes; and tracking jobs. And, because it’s vendor agnostic, Exela was able to integrate all third-party applications into its own e-bidding platform to enable supplier categorization, recognized savings methodologies and reporting for the different levels of the procurement process.

Next, to provide the individual resorts with greater ordering flexibility and more options for customization, Exela implemented an intelligent marketing solution featuring a digital storefront for online print and promotional item ordering. Utilizing variable data composition engines, this platform allows for personalized, targeted communications. Now, resorts would be able to choose from a menu of templates and design options to create unique marketing assets for better customer experience.


By shifting towards a more digitally-enabled business model, the company realized significant savings, while creating a more personalized, engaging experience for its customers. Through the deployment of its on-demand fulfillment application, it was able to reduce its physical inventory by approximately 70%. And, by consolidating its supply chain management and procurement services, and automating its strategic sourcing operations it was able to reduce the excessive costs incurred every month. The company no longer had to rely on several providers to procure items and secure the best rates from suppliers. With Exela’s bid management capabilities and online procurement system, the company was guaranteed competitive pricing. In fact, within the first year; the company realized a savings of $1.4MM. With the implementation of Intelligent marketing applications, individual resorts (a total of 1,500 end users) benefited from greater ordering flexibility and personalized design options.

Other notable accomplishments include:

  • Development of a powerful web-based solution for the company to access printed communication and promotional items
  • Optimization of the supply chain; resulting in a 25% savings on promotional material for the resorts
  • Reduction in enterprise print spend, translating into significant cost savings for each resort
  • Utilization of intelligent communications to enhance customer experience
  • The procurement of a 10.1” tablet for the resort’s membership program resulted in a savings of $930.000 (35%)
  • The provision of two on-site buyers that are able to react to any immediate need
  • Corporate sponsorship of the company’s flagship golf tournament

By utilizing a cloud-based approach, we were able to provide transparency, while delivering significant cost savings across the company’s enterprise. In all, the company successfully transformed its business by leveraging digitalization and automation for more efficient processes, significant costs savings, and a more advantageous market position.

Automated AP Processing for Hotel Chain

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Hotel chain uses automation technology to significantly improves account payable processing efficiency

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Travel & Hospitality
Features & Benefits

The onsite accounts payable (AP) systems used at a chain of hotels was not uniform across numerous individual properties. Invoice processing workflows were completed manually by clerks at each hotel location, which resulted in a costly, inefficient, and error-prone AP system that lacked invoice tracking and process transparency.


Exela transitioned hotel locations onto our automated AP processing system to create a single, centralized AP hub. Information previously entered by clerks was then captured by and processed by Exela’s web-based platform and AP data was made easily available through a unified portal that enabled end-to-end reporting and exception handling capabilities.

  • Far more efficient processing

  • Reduced error rates by minimizing manual data entry

  • Flexible system architecture able to accommodate chaning volumes

  • User-friendly invoice tracking and reporting capabilities

  • Significant labor and cost savings

Industry Solutions
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