March 13, 2020

To: Exela Customers

From: Suresh Yannamani, President Exela

As you are aware, on March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. We want to take this opportunity to reassure you as our customer.

Our operations are running as scheduled. We continue to monitor the situation and take all needed precautions to ensure the safety of our employees and the continuity of our operations. Below are highlights of actions we are requesting of our employees worldwide:

  1. We have instituted a hold on all but the most essential travel.
  2. All employees have access to our COVID-19 awareness and prevention training through our learning management system and are asked to adhere to all recommended safe hygiene practices in line with the public health response plan recommendations, including maintaining safe distances while at work.
  3. Managers and employees have been asked to contact Exela Human Resources immediately if symptoms develop at their workplace and to work with Exela Human Resources representatives on all return to work procedures.
  4. We request that customers avoid travel to our facilities and provide advance notice of any visitors.
  5. We request that customers share any observations at their work place so that we may assess any potential impact to our employees.
  6. We are working to realign employee work shifts to avoid any facility impacts and to minimize exposure to our employees. While we do not anticipate any impact to our day to day operations, some employees may be asked to work different work schedules.

Our secure cyber infrastructure - seamlessly connecting global operating facilities located across the USA, Canada, Mexico, 17 countries in Europe, Morocco, India, Philippines and China - provides 24/7 uptime and facilitates turnkey disaster recovery and business continuity for mitigating risk associated with geo political and pandemic events. We have both Business Continuity and Pandemic Plans in place and we are executing them as needed. Your Exela customer relationship manager is available to review these plans with you.

We know that all of you are also preoccupied with this pandemic. As you work through this situation internally, please do not hesitate to contact us at and let us know if we can assist you in any way.

Please note, this information is subject to change as we learn more about COVID-19, the public health response issues updated guidance.

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