Staggering Security

21 Staggering Security Statistics Every Business Should Consider

by Lauren Cahn

Cybercrime is on the rise, and it’s becoming an ever-costlier problem. To give you a sense of just how serious an issue security is in the age of digital transformation, take a look at these up-to-the-minute security statistics...but be sure you’re sitting down because, they’re staggering.1

Security Statistics

Later this week, we’ll be diving in to discover how the “bad guys” get in, and in the coming weeks, we’ll be addressing how keeping them out isn’t just doable but the essence of what we do every day at Exela, as well as all the security matters you’ll want to consider when choosing your digital transformation partner. If you missed the earlier posts in this series on cyber security, you can catch up here on:

Gotta read it all now? You can download the entire series as a flipping-book here:

In the future, be sure to subscribe to Exela’s quarterly thought leadership publication, PluggedIN for up-to-the-minute news and views on topics that matter to you.

  1. 1. Stat sources:,,,,
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