4 Ways Businesses Can Return to a Smarter Office

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4 Ways Businesses Can Return to a Smarter Office
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When COVID-19 hit, suddenly many of us had to adjust to an entirely new work atmosphere. Social distancing became crucial to slowing the spread, and within weeks, remote working arrangements became the norm for more than half of the country. Now, even with many businesses around the country reopening, many people have mixed feelings about returning to the office. As of mid-May, 7 in 10 American workers were still working remotely all or part of the time, and just 1 in 4 say that they would return to the office if it was up to them.1

As they look to reopen, businesses may need to find innovative solutions that will reassure their workers that they are taking serious precautions to protect employee health. 

Masks and temperature checks may become more common in the workplace, at least for a while. But the increased desire to maintain social distancing, and the potential for future temporary regional lockdowns to prevent a second wave, may help fuel some bigger changes and modernizations in many offices. Here are some of the new technologies and services that can help businesses provide a safe working environment while also adding new conveniences and cost-saving opportunities.

Contactless Lobbies

Protecting against a virus that can easily spread through common interactions will mean limiting as much face-to-face communication as possible. That person-to-person contact often begins with a greeting in the reception area, but that no longer needs to be the case. Exela’s Intelligent Kiosks enable guests to check in with zero human interaction. Greet guests with a pre-recorded message rather than a living, breathing, potentially contagious human, and allow them to self-register, confirm their arrival, get directions, and print their guest badge. The kiosk will even send an automated notification to the host so that they know exactly where the guest is and when they arrived.

Of course, sometimes it’s nice to be able to interact with an actual human rather than a software system, despite the threat of transferable illnesses. If a guest requires assistance with the check-in process, the Intelligent Kiosk allows them to summon a Virtual Lobby Ambassador at any time via text, audio, or video chat. A Virtual Lobby Ambassador will assist your guests with their needs or answer any questions they may have.

Mobile Facility Passes

The fact that we all carry devices capable of receiving emails and image files without physical contact can make it much easier to continue to follow social distancing guidelines, even as offices reopen. For example, a Mobile Facility Pass, stored on a visitor’s smartphone, allows both employees and guests a contactless solution for displaying security clearance. It can also be used to share useful information like maps of the building or WiFi login information, all without the need for face-to-face interaction. 

Intelligent Lockers

As we all adjust to the constraints of social distancing, contactless delivery has become a popular option for those hoping to make purchases and support businesses without risking the trip to potentially crowded shopping centers or stores. Smart lockers enable contactless delivery in a number of ways, while also providing a convenient storage option for employees.

Exela’s Intelligent Lockers can be accessed through the built-in touchscreen interface, but they can just as well be integrated with RFID, QR code, or biometric recognition technologies for a fully touchless experience. Intelligent Lockers offer flexible layouts and designs, improved access controls, anytime availability, and complete chain-of-custody tracking. They provide an excellent contactless means of exchanging, shipping, receiving, or storing goods.

Digital Mailrooms

Intelligent Lockers are great at limiting face-to-face interactions in the delivery process, but a fully integrated Digital Mailroom can take it even one step further. With Digital Mailroom, your physical mail is rerouted to a secure processing facility where it can be scanned and digitized with advanced ICR and OCR technology for completely electronic delivery. This not only helps keep your workers safe, but also centralizes your communications, and enables remote workers to access important business mail from wherever they happen to be.

Final Thoughts

Exela Smart Office solutions like these make it easier for workers to return to the office with confidence. The convenience and security these solutions provide will help keep people safe, put minds at ease, and help everyone adjust to the next normal.

COVID-19 is impacting more than just the way businesses operate their physical offices. Learn more about how the pandemic is speeding up companies’ digital transformation.

  1. https://news.gallup.com/poll/311375/reviewing-remote-work-covid.aspx

Author Name
Matt Tarpey

Corporate Hospitality Software and Solutions

On-demand services powered by smart speaker technology.

Corporate Hospitality Software and Solutions

Request conference room support, beverage services, light maintenance and more with the ease of a voice command and the speed of Digital Now.

Exela takes a client-specific approach to facilities management that puts innovative technology and well-trained employees at your fingertips.

Use Smart Speakers to order on-demand services and make concierge requests ranging from conference room and food & beverage setup to maintenance and transportation requests.

On-demand smart speaker-enabled services ranging from conference room setup to maintenance and transportation requests.

Smart Speakers & Hospitality 360

Smart Speakers give voice-activated on-demand access to support staff and concierge services. Requests are easy and services are prompt. Hospitality 360 offers a multi-function digital facilities application checklist that runs on tablets or other mobile devices.

Conference Room Management

We’ll make sure you have the resources you need for your meetings, including: printing and distributing pamphlets, reports, and presentation materials, arranging catering services, audio/video setup, and stocking room supplies such as pens, paper, and whiteboard markers.

Repair / Maintenance & Support

Smart Speakers give immediate access to staff capable of addressing light maintenance and repairs, audio/video support, and tending to equipment needs and supply stocking.

Industry Credentials

Ambassador Recruiting & Development

Case Study Featured Content

Major technology company implements an enhanced, standardized reception experience across all locations.

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Features & Benefits

A technology firm with offices worldwide was seeking to revamp their ambassador recruiting and development program. Their main goal was to provide a consistent, exceptional experience across all office locations, including lobby support for remote offices.


Our solution was to provide the company with solutions that addressed their needs related to people, process, and technology. To address their need for people, we implemented our Ambassador Program to deliver white-glove reception and concierge services throughout their global campuses. To strengthen their process, we included standardized training, operations, and communications support. To improve their technology, we installed our Intelligent Lobby solutions, which include: digital kiosks, Intelligent Lockers, and smart speakers for assistance with facilities and conference management.

  • Standardized procedures for consistency between offices

  • Enhanced visitor experience using innovative technology

  • Improved visibility and reporting through our Visitor Management System

  • Simplified storage solutions for visitors and employees

  • On-demand facilities and conference management services


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