Connect Multiple Offices with Smart Office Technology

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For decades, businesses with multiple locations faced the challenge of finding better ways to connect their offices so that processes run seamlessly. Smart office technology plays a large role in this seamless connectivity. Once the pandemic hit and ushered in lockdown protocols, the need for connection between multiple locations increased since many employees were now working from home.

Today, we've seen the benefits of working from home and many businesses are choosing to be entirely remote or work on a hybrid system. Given that remote work is here to stay, it's time to take a close look at what smart office technology can do today to connect multiple locations.


Streamlining Multi-Location Systems

Organizations with multi-locations may struggle with a lack of standard operating procedures (SOPs) between locations. Before any smart technology is implemented, it's a good idea to create SOPs all locations can follow. This way, locations can work seamlessly, both independently and together, if any employees need to collaborate. 

SOPs will be necessary for smart technology that's put into place as well. This way, leaders can confirm that employees are using the technology effectively and appropriately. Another benefit of SOPs is that they are useful when training new hires. 

The industry the business is in, the size of the business, and the budget will determine what technology to implement first. Businesses also need to consider what areas of the company they would like to focus on. There are a lot of factors that come into play when implementing smart office technology. Before you begin your research, investigate any issues that result from a disconnection between locations.


Smart Office Technology | Person working on their phone with icons floating around


Connecting with Smart Office Technology

Once smart office technology is put into place, companies can experience continuity across the business regardless of location, providing consistency for both employees and customers. With smart office technology, workflows can be more easily streamlined and optimized, resulting in increased productivity. 

Here are a few examples of smart office technology you can implement into your business:


Cloud-Based Technology

Many businesses have implemented cloud-based technology, whether it's through Google Drive, a cloud-based telephone system, or an e-signature platform like Exela’s DrySign. 85% of enterprise businesses are expected to adopt a cloud-first approach by 2025. With many cloud-based options being extremely cost-effective, it's no surprise that cloud technology is rapidly being executed in businesses.

Cloud-based technology is becoming a must-have in business due to its many applications and the fact that it allows for easy collaboration and sharing. Global companies now have the ability to share documents, standard procedures, and corporate information across the world with their employees.


Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Working effectively in different locations can be challenging when each location has its own network. This is where virtual private networks, or VPNs, come into play. VPNs create a secure and private network for employees to easily share data. On top of that, VPNs transfer information quickly and are cost-effective.


Shipping and Receiving Services

Another great way for business locations to connect is through smart office technology that streamlines the shipping and receiving service. Confusion can occur with shipments when there are multiple buildings that require mail and package delivery, creating headaches for business leaders and employees. With solutions like ExelaShip and ExelaTrack, companies have access to real-time status information about packages being delivered, packages that were received, and packages that are being shipped. With ExelaTrack, once a package is received, it can be tracked until it gets to the recipient, reducing lost packages inside the office.

Another great feature of ExelaTrack is the ability to track inventory between locations. If you find that one location is out of stock of a product but the other location has plenty, companies can then consolidate between the locations rather than purchasing new and possibly unnecessary inventory.


Smart Office Technology | View from above of multiple people sitting at a table working on laptops, tablets, and phones


Connecting the Virtual with the Onsite

Some businesses may find that their onsite locations are streamlined well, but workflows falter with offsite employees. For example, companies may be struggling to determine how to deliver mail to remote or hybrid employees, transfer important physical documents, or exchange items with coworkers. With many businesses looking for solutions to promote remote working, it's important to determine how remote workers can have easy access to their mail and other deliverables.

There are two technologies that can help with this particular problem: smart lockers and a digital mailroom.


Smart Lockers

A smart locker solution like Exela’s Intelligent Lockers allows workers to easily receive packages, store their belongings, and exchange important documents and items. This solution is especially great for any office that employs a hoteling system or for offices that have hybrid workers. Smart lockers provide a clear and easy way for employees to access items they need when they're able to come into the office.


Smart Office Technology | Exela's Intelligent Lockers


Digital Mailroom

Exela’s Digital Mailroom solution digitizes all incoming mail and other documents, uploading them to a cloud and making sure the correct recipient receives them. Handling employees' mail, especially that of remote workers, can be extremely challenging; this is where smart office technology really steps in. A digital mailroom will not only help remote workers but also onsite workers as coworkers can easily share mail and collaborate on documents digitally with other coworkers.



There are many smart office technologies that exist to help businesses connect multiple locations and to connect virtual and onsite working environments. We no longer live in a world where we need to mail every important piece of document from one location to another. If you're finding it difficult to determine the right technology for your business, contact us at Exela and we'll be happy to help your business with its digital transformation strategy.

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Carolyn Hedley

What’s So Great About Smart Lockers?

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What’s So Great About Smart Lockers?
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After nearly two full years, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic is shifting. Where once we envisioned a complete and conclusive end to the pandemic, many businesses are instead developing strategies, with a focus on digital solutions and technologies, to quickly adapt to future waves and variants. Moving forward in the fight against COVID-19, flexibility will be the name of the game.

Smart lockers systems like Exela’s Intelligent Lockers are a versatile and effective way for businesses to provide a new level of flexibility and convenience to both their customers and their employees.

Improving Last Mile Delivery

Even before the pandemic, digital shopping was on the rise. In 2020, that growth was supercharged, as shoppers eagerly flocked to online retailers in order to avoid crowds and stop the spread of COVID-19. Last-mile delivery, or the stage of the supply chain when a package goes from a transportation hub to its final destination, is the most inefficient part of the entire supply chain, according to more than more than half of North American transportation and logistics companies. In a different study, 65% of retailers said that failed or late deliveries are a significant cost to their business.

Smart lockers can have a big impact on the delivery failure rate by making it easier to complete the delivery securely, even if the recipient is unavailable. The delivery person can easily access an open locker where the package can be stored until the recipient is ready to collect it.

Simplifying BOPIS

Buy online, pick up in store (BOPIS) has become an increasingly popular option for digital shoppers who want to avoid the hassle and time-cost of a trip to the store, but also don’t want to wait several days for their items to ship. With BOPIS, shoppers can select their items, check out, and pay online. Their items are then deposited in an Intelligent Locker, and they are sent an alert that their order is ready for pickup, along with the locker number and the code, PIN number, or link to unlock their particular locker when they arrive.

This process not only saves the retailer costs associated with shipping and delivery, but it also allows the shopper to pick up their items more quickly, and can even extend the pickup window, if the locker bank is located outside of the store.

Enabling Secure Contactless Delivery

Early in the pandemic, contactless delivery became a critical feature that allowed millions of people to order food and other necessities while limiting face-to-face interaction as a means of avoiding potential exposure to the virus. While case counts may be falling in much of the world, it always helps to be prepared for a potential new surge. Intelligent Lockers provide the option for secure contactless delivery, allowing recipients and delivery drivers the flexibility to choose a delivery option that they’re most comfortable with.

Facilitating Office Convenience

Intelligent Lockers provide a new level of convenience and flexibility to company’s back offices too. With many businesses adopting new work arrangements to accommodate growing employee demand for remote work opportunities, Intelligent Lockers offer a reliable and flexible day storage option. Remote or hybrid employees can use these smart lockers to secure their possessions on days they are in the office, or even between office visits.

Intelligent Lockers are also a great way to improve internal mail and package delivery processes. With 24/7 accessibility, once mail items have been processed, they can be securely stored in a locker and the recipient can retrieve them at their own convenience. Similarly, Intelligent Lockers facilitate secure contactless handoff of items between employees and even departments. Many IT departments utilize smart lockers to return equipment that has been repaired, or to allow employees to check out and drop off specialized equipment as needed.

Intelligent Lockers can even be fitted with power banks, allowing stored technology to stay charged during transfers.

Learn more about what Exela’s versatile Intelligent Lockers can bring to your business.


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Matt Tarpey
Industry Solutions

Smart Locker Systems by Exela

Click. Collect. Accounted for.℠

Intelligent Locker

Fully-configurable, electronic storage lockers provide simplicity and convenience, as well as improved process visibility and control.

The smart locker solution for secure, self-service storage and mail/package delivery, Exela Intelligent Lockers feature convenient, tech-enabled access, automated delivery notifications, and audit-friendly tracking to provide seamless end-to-end chain-of-custody solutions for organizations of all sizes in all industries.

Intelligent Lockers are perfect for all your self-service storage and delivery needs, including:

  • corporate mail and package rooms.
  • university, apartment, and other high-density package rooms.
  • Retail and rental pickup, drop-off, and return.

Increase your customer base. Make your employees happy.

Get the smart click-and-collect solution for unattended asset storage and package delivery management.

Discover the convenience of click-and-collect

Each Exela Intelligent Locker is an automated, self-service storage space that locks and unlocks via electronic PIN, RFID badge, or mobile application, generating an auditable record of each interaction.

Flexify your set-up

Exela Intelligent Locker kiosks are custom-configured to your specifications, offer flexible solutions.

Enhance your aesthetics

Sleek, streamlined, modern, and tech-enabled, Exela Intelligent Lockers instantly upgrade the look of your premises.

Secure your workplace

Secure storage of personal devices for customers, clients, hiring candidates, and other guests to minimize security snafus.

Virtually monitor deliveries and pickups

Tech-enabled lockers generate automated, audit-friendly tracking.

Automatically notify recipients

Receipt of a package triggers delivery notification, complete with unlocking credentials.

Support shared office space

Convenient, secure, self-service storage of personal items during off-hours facilitates flex-time and office sharing.

Enable carbon-neutral commutes

Exela Intelligent Lockers enable gear storage for bike- and other green-commuters.

Say goodbye to signature logs

Automated audit-friendly tracking means no signature logs needed.

Streamline guest experience

Self-service stowing of outerwear, bags, personal devices, and other personal items for customers, clients, hiring candidates, and other guests.

Make a memorable first impression

Exela Intelligent Lockers are part of the Exela Smart Office suite of front office automation solutions and seamlessly integrate with our other offerings such as Exela Intelligent Lobby that help make the most of your first impression.

Jump-start your front-office automation

Exela Intelligent Lockers are a natural starting point, as well as a complimentary addition, to Exela’s mail and package logistics solutions as well as Digital Mailroom, Exela’s end-to-end mail management, digitization, and delivery solution.

Invigorate your digital transformation

Industry Credentials

Smart Technology that Helps Universities Safely Reopen

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Smart Technology that Helps Universities Safely Reopen
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Since COVID-19 was discovered in late 2019, it has spread to 213 countries and territories around the world,1 and has infected over 9 million people globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). As cases persist around the world, governments and organizations are focused on determining how to safely go on with our normal everyday activities.  

This is certainly true at colleges and universities, with the fall semester fast approaching. Decisions have to be made quickly about the best course of action. Some are opting for another remote semester, some are attempting to physically reopen, while others are going with hybrid methods.

Reopening colleges and universities during the pandemic poses a special challenge, as younger people are accounting for an increasing number of cases.2 Still, it is critical for schools to find ways to provide suitable learning environments without leading to any resurgence of infection among the students and staff. 

The abrupt transition to remote learning earlier in the year made for a rocky first attempt at educating amidst the pandemic. With a better understanding of the virus and how it spreads, as well as more time to develop and implement helpful solutions, schools are in a much better position to get back on track this semester.

While social distancing rules, mask guidelines, temperature checks, and increased sanitization will continue to play a big role in keeping students safe, there has also been a rush of technological innovation to develop solutions (or repurpose resources) that can promote on-campus health and safety. Here are some new technologies and smart solutions that can help universities provide a safer environment while also adding new conveniences and cost-saving opportunities.

Limit Physical Contact with Intelligent Lockers  

One of the most important ways to slow the virus’s spread is by limiting physical contact. While much of the focus has been on how to achieve this in a classroom or lecture hall setting, typical campus life also includes opportunities for interaction in places like dorm buildings, libraries, and student centers. Smart locker systems like Exela’s Intelligent Lockers provide a versatile solution for reducing face-to-face contact in a variety of ways. 

Contactless package delivery has become an enduringly popular option during the pandemic, and will likely remain so even after this is all over. Intelligent Lockers enable contactless delivery by offering a secure dropoff and pickup location where deliveries will be safe from would-be “porch pirates,” and retrievable via touchless access options like RFID chips in student and faculty IDs or QR codes sent to users’ smartphones.

Similarly, they can facilitate the safe handoff of library books or distribution of required class materials. Plus, their 24-hour access adds convenience for students while potentially reducing staffing costs for campuses facing new budget constraints. Smart locker solutions are streamlining package delivery making it more convenient for universities and students.  

Smart Lobby and Visitor Management

Universities hoping to limit person-to-person contact can also benefit from automated check-in systems and virtual lobby support and various key points around campus. Libraries, administrative buildings, and student centers equipped with automated guest services technology like Exela’s Intelligent Kiosks can empower social distancing while still providing quality service and helpful information.

Smart technologies address issues and offer versatile solutions that can be used to digitize reception services at colleges and universities. Guests can check in, self-register, get directions, and print their guest badge with zero human interaction at reception.

Health Scanners and Apps

Technology has and is constantly evolving. With the pandemic crisis, many tech giants with the help of the government are developing applications that can track people's travel and medical history. Innovative solutions for quick and convenient temperature checks, like the use of thermal imaging cameras, can help keep school buildings safe and promote responsible distancing. Universities could also invest in contact tracing apps which would help track spread amongst students and contain potential outbreaks. 

Innovative Solutions to Enhance Safety

The pandemic has enforced new rules that are likely to stick around and we must adapt ourselves to live cautiously. In a post-COVID world, the need for convenient and secure contactless services and solutions is only going to rise. If your organization faces these and similar challenges, but you are not yet discussing how to meet them, now is the time to start.

You can learn more about Exela's Intelligent Lockers that can provide a better experience for students and faculty on college campuses, check out what Exela did for George Washington University.


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Niharika Sharma

4 Ways Businesses Can Return to a Smarter Office

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4 Ways Businesses Can Return to a Smarter Office
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When COVID-19 hit, suddenly many of us had to adjust to an entirely new work atmosphere. Social distancing became crucial to slowing the spread, and within weeks, remote working arrangements became the norm for more than half of the country. Now, even with many businesses around the country reopening, many people have mixed feelings about returning to the office. As of mid-May, 7 in 10 American workers were still working remotely all or part of the time, and just 1 in 4 say that they would return to the office if it was up to them.1

As they look to reopen, businesses may need to find innovative solutions that will reassure their workers that they are taking serious precautions to protect employee health. 

Masks and temperature checks may become more common in the workplace, at least for a while. But the increased desire to maintain social distancing, and the potential for future temporary regional lockdowns to prevent a second wave, may help fuel some bigger changes and modernizations in many offices. Here are some of the new technologies and services that can help businesses provide a safe working environment while also adding new conveniences and cost-saving opportunities.

Contactless Lobbies

Protecting against a virus that can easily spread through common interactions will mean limiting as much face-to-face communication as possible. That person-to-person contact often begins with a greeting in the reception area, but that no longer needs to be the case. Exela’s Intelligent Kiosks enable guests to check in with zero human interaction. Greet guests with a pre-recorded message rather than a living, breathing, potentially contagious human, and allow them to self-register, confirm their arrival, get directions, and print their guest badge. The kiosk will even send an automated notification to the host so that they know exactly where the guest is and when they arrived.

Of course, sometimes it’s nice to be able to interact with an actual human rather than a software system, despite the threat of transferable illnesses. If a guest requires assistance with the check-in process, the Intelligent Kiosk allows them to summon a Virtual Lobby Ambassador at any time via text, audio, or video chat. A Virtual Lobby Ambassador will assist your guests with their needs or answer any questions they may have.

Mobile Facility Passes

The fact that we all carry devices capable of receiving emails and image files without physical contact can make it much easier to continue to follow social distancing guidelines, even as offices reopen. For example, a Mobile Facility Pass, stored on a visitor’s smartphone, allows both employees and guests a contactless solution for displaying security clearance. It can also be used to share useful information like maps of the building or WiFi login information, all without the need for face-to-face interaction. 

Intelligent Lockers

As we all adjust to the constraints of social distancing, contactless delivery has become a popular option for those hoping to make purchases and support businesses without risking the trip to potentially crowded shopping centers or stores. Smart lockers enable contactless delivery in a number of ways, while also providing a convenient storage option for employees.

Exela’s Intelligent Lockers can be accessed through the built-in touchscreen interface, but they can just as well be integrated with RFID, QR code, or biometric recognition technologies for a fully touchless experience. Intelligent Lockers offer flexible layouts and designs, improved access controls, anytime availability, and complete chain-of-custody tracking. They provide an excellent contactless means of exchanging, shipping, receiving, or storing goods.

Digital Mailrooms

Intelligent Lockers are great at limiting face-to-face interactions in the delivery process, but a fully integrated Digital Mailroom can take it even one step further. With Digital Mailroom, your physical mail is rerouted to a secure processing facility where it can be scanned and digitized with advanced ICR and OCR technology for completely electronic delivery. This not only helps keep your workers safe, but also centralizes your communications, and enables remote workers to access important business mail from wherever they happen to be.

Final Thoughts

Exela Smart Office solutions like these make it easier for workers to return to the office with confidence. The convenience and security these solutions provide will help keep people safe, put minds at ease, and help everyone adjust to the next normal.

COVID-19 is impacting more than just the way businesses operate their physical offices. Learn more about how the pandemic is speeding up companies’ digital transformation.


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Matt Tarpey

9 Ways to Support Your Onsite Workforce Amid COVID-19

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9 Ways to Support Your Onsite Workforce Amid COVID-19
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Even as attempts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 have sent the global workforce home in droves, many individuals the world over continue to work on-site each day to support essential businesses and business continuity in general.  Citizens of the world have taken notice. Here are just two examples:

  • Every evening at 7 p.m. New York City residents break into applause to thank first responders and healthcare workers putting their lives at risk to do so.
  • McDonald’s is offering free “Thank You Meals” for first responders and healthcare workers between April 22 and May 5.

While we applaud these displays of gratitude, they also beg the question: how are we (and by “we,” we mean everyone everywhere) showing our gratitude toward those members of the workforce who can’t necessarily be called “first responders” but who have continued to work on-site throughout the pandemic? It’s something to think about, right? In the meantime, we can offer the following  insight into how we at Exela are supporting our on-site workforce in supporting our business continuity and the business continuity of our customers:

Staggering work shifts

We have and continue to rejigger work shifts for those employees whose jobs require them to be in the office. Implementing several shifts, as opposed to requiring everyone to be on-site at the same time, supports on-site employees in maintaining greater physical distance from one another by making office spaces less populated.

Providing cleaning products for on-site employees

Providing cleaning products for on-site employees supports those employees in sanitizing their workspaces and keeping their hands free from germs.

Implementing daily cleaning of office space

Cleanliness has never been so important, which is strict daily cleaning of office spaces is critical wherever employees are working on-site.

Providing protective gear

We are providing cloth face coverings for our employees who are on-site in an effort to protect employees from the respiratory droplets of other employees and our customers, where applicable. When our employees must visit viral hot zones such as New York City or medical facilities anywhere (for example, for our healthcare industry customers), we do our best to provide N95 masks (also known as respirators), which are a step above cloth face masks (learn the difference in the COVID-19 Glossary). We also provide protective gloves for all of our on-site employees.

Offering safety training

A mask and gloves won’t help if they become cross-contamination vectors. Therefore, it’s important for on-site employees to be trained in how to apply and remove their protective gear without risking cross-contamination. Training can be provided off-site using tools like Exela’s automated training and certification tools.

Offering non-invasive health monitoring

Wherever our employees are on-site, we have put into place a temperature-monitoring program whereby employees can assess their temperatures (and whether they have a fever). Ideally, this is done via scanner (which doesn’t require skin contact), but disposable thermometer strips are also useful. If anyone logs a temperature of 99F or higher, they should be asked not to enter the site and to instead seek immediate medical attention until a medical fit-for-duty certificate can be obtained.  

Maintaining an agile response plan

At Exela, in the event an employee becomes a “Confirmed Case” (see definition, as well as a full COVID-19 pandemic glossary, here) we have put into place a rapid reporting mechanism whereby all employees are notified and sent home for the day while a nationally reputable cleaning firm disinfects the site before the next workday. We also have a team of experts on hand to collect and analyze all related data using state-of-the-art analytic tool, and business continuity team members, including members of Human Resources and Security leadership, stay on top of such data and related reports to provide continuing real-time guidance on workplace protocols.


The more you communicate with your on-site workforce, the more vital information you and they will have. Keep in at least bi-weekly contact with your employees. Consider offering employee training regarding safety measures. Here at Exela, our Corporate Communications team sends out communications two to three times per week to provide our employees with the latest news, information, updates, and resources.

Encourage your employees to stay informed

With self-service solutions such as Smart Lockers such a popular choice among our customers, it’s only natural we would gravitate toward helping our employees to help themselves become and remain well-informed about the constantly evolving pandemic landscape. Our Corporate Communications team offers news and resources at least weekly, and we keep it reliable by following these 8 ways to sniff out the fake news from what’s true.

Here at the Exela Blog, we’re doing our part to vet the news and share only what we can be certain is true. We hope you’ll do the same. As you work through these challenging times, we hope you’ll find these best practices for making remote working work for you helpful for you -- if you’re working from home, as well as our special edition of PluggedIN, COVID-19: A Tipping Point For Remote Work, a thought leadership publication focusing on remote work trends before, during and after the pandemic and best practices for business leaders and managers to ensure productivity and efficiency while employees are working from home.

If there is any way you think we can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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Lauren Cahn

Exelas Intelligent Lockers Optimize Mail Services at Large State University

Case Study Featured Content

How one East coast university used Intelligent Lockers to optimize package delivery for their students

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Intelligent lockers mail services
Features & Benefits

A large state university had been a longtime customer of Exela. Among other things, Exela had been successfully managing the University’s mail services, including its package delivery workflow, the infrastructure of which consisted of a package room where staff members would manually log packages and notify recipients of deliveries and where packages would be stored pending pickup. This had proven optimal until the increasing ubiquity of e-commerce began steadily increasing the volume of packages and the number of students entering the workflow. As a result of increased workflow volume, however, a number of problems arose:  

  • Not enough space in the package room for all the incoming packages.
  • Not enough hours during workday for staff to log arrivals, notify recipients, and accommodate all students arriving to pick up packages.
  • Overcrowding around package room
  • Long lines for recipients to pick up packages.

These problems were exacerbated during busier times including fall move-in season, final exams, and the holiday season.


Exela Intelligent Lockers were the logical solution. Exela Intelligent Lockers are Exela’s automated, unattended, trackable delivery and storage solution, enabling smart, secure, end-to-end chain-of-custody for packages. The University’s choice was a logical extension of the University’s long-standing relationship with Exela. Exela and the University worked together to design custom-configured kiosks of electronically-operated individual storage units. Exela installed these Intelligent Lockers in a building that shared space with the University’s main dining hall, enabling extended access to the lockers until 10 p.m., but without additional staffing. Exela’s proprietary software was configured to send automated notifications to package recipients and track all openings and closings of the lockers. To control crowding and wait-time, Exela fitted the kiosks with easy-to-use, intuitive touchscreens.


Students, employees, and the University itself were pleased with Exela Intelligent Lockers’ secure, unattended, space-saving, time-saving click-and-collect package workflow solution.

  • Greater flexibility and convenience for students

  • Expanded operating hours

  • Eased mailroom staff burden

  • Eased mailroom space burden

  • Efficient, streamlined package chain-of-custody tracking

  • Decrease in human error and increase in package security


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