California Supplemental Privacy Statement

Please click here for Exela Technologies, Inc.’s Privacy Policy

The following only applies if you are a California Resident. In addition to the rights granted under our Privacy Policy, as a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information the Company has collected about you, request the deletion of your personal information and opt-out of the sale of such personal information. The words used in this section have the meanings given to them in the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 which may be broader than their common meaning.

Know and Delete your Personal Information

You may request that the Company disclose to you the categories and specific pieces of personal information that the Company has collected about you, the business or commercial purpose for collecting your personal information, the categories of personal information that the Company disclosed for a business purpose, the categories of third-parties with whom the Company has shared your personal information, and the business or commercial purpose for selling your personal information, if applicable. You may also request the deletion of such personal information.

To take advantage of your disclosure and deletion rights, please submit your request via email to or by calling 1 844-XELATEC (1-844-935-2832).

Opt-Out of the Sale of your Personal Information

You may request to opt out of the sale of your personal information to third-parties for their direct marketing purposes. If you opt out, the Company will not share your information with such third-parties unless you later direct the Company to do so. To opt out, please send an email to


If you choose to exercise any of the above rights, the Company will not deny goods or services to you or provide different quality of services.

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